Veterans Memorial Marker at the William Fogg Library Lawn

At the town meeting in March 1937, it was voted to choose a committee to select and install a Memorial marker in honor of Eliot citizens that participated in World War 1, not to honor the war, but out of the memory of all that gave their best.

The town chose Dr. Henry I. Durgin to choose the committee and head it up accordingly. He chose the following:

Mrs. Esther F. Drake
John S. Hoyt
Harlon C. Liebman
Leslie R. Rowe
Harry N. Goodwin

Mrs. Drake was selected to be the secretary.  It was soon decided that the memorial should be placed on the Wm. Fogg Library grounds, one of the more beautiful spots in the town.

The choice was a large marble stone marker, suitably inscribed and it was dedicated on August 21, 1937 with an appropriate ceremony.

Dr. Durgin attended the unveiling, assisted by Marjorie Hoyt and Ruth M. Drake.  The Henry Wallingford Post of the American Legion of Kittery, ME attended the dedication.  Evelyn Fogg placed a wreath at the foot of the tablet in the name of the Eliot Garden Club.

Col. Raymond Rendall, representing the Governor of Maine, gave the address and Rear Adm. C. W. Cole, Commandant of the Portsmouth Navy Yard, gave the closing remarks.  Rev. Frank Kirkpatrick of the Methodist Church of South Eliot gave the opening prayer and Rev. M. A. Gordon of the East Eliot Methodist Church gave the closing prayer. Music was furnished by the Traip Academy Band under the direction of David Kushious.  The John F. Hill Grange 391, the Eliot Firemen, and the Boy Scouts of Kittery were deserving of much credit for their participation and assistance. Also the U.S. Marines from the Portsmouth Navy Yard came to honor our Eliot Sons.